Conficker Dominates This Week's Hot Google Searches

Published on by The Inquirer

Surprisingly, as reported on the HuffingtonPost, the Conficker computer virus rocked the nation this week ,being the #1 rising Google search of the last seven days, according to Google Insights for Search.A virus that targets Microsoft Windows, and it was widely feared to be launching on April 1.So Far, i'm a proud Mac-partner-for-better-or worse : no crash, a beautifully design, and i could spent up to 12-front-screeen-hours a day without being done.A daily working experience....

Top Rising Google Search Terms, March 28-April 3, 2009
Percentages indicate growth in search volume as compared to the previous seven days
1. conficker virus +2900%
2. april fools jokes +2850%
3. conficker +1500%
4. conficker worm +1450%
5. +550%
6. earth hour +500%
7. microsoft updates +400%
8. mcafee +250%
9. monsters vs aliens +180%
10. windows update +130%

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